Sunday, April 30, 2017

ECFA Final At Edgar Street On Tuesday Afternoon

The Edgar Street pitch is working overtime this week with games taking place most days. Two of them are on Tuesday.

As well as the HFA County Cup final tomorrow, the final of the ECFA (English Colleges Football Association) takes place on Tuesday afternoon between Boreham Wood and Balby Carr, a college based in Doncaster.

Kick-off for this one is at 2pm.

On Tuesday evening there is a game of Women's Football to raise money for various charities. 

This will be the first ever Women’s football match for charity that has ever taken place at Edgar Street. Kick-off is 7.30pm.

Entry will be £3.00 (via C and D block only), which will include a programme. All money raised will go toward the following charities that support Breast Cancer:

  *   Macmillan
  *   Coppafeel
  *   NHS Umbrella Fund
  *   The Royal Marsden Cancer Centre

There will also be a junior Penalty Queen final at half time, refreshments will be available.