Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hereford Decide Not To Sell Shortwood Tickets

According to Shortwood FC, Hereford FC have decided not to sell tickets to their supporters for the away game at Shortwood on Tuesday August 16th.

It appears Hereford required £1 per adult ticket to cover their costs but The Southern League felt that Hereford should add £1 onto each ticket to cover their costs.

This from Shortwood FC:

Following the decision to make the Hereford game all ticket Shortwood offered to make tickets available to Hereford to sell to their own supporters at the cover charge of £9 and also to make Under 16's tickets which would be free available to them.

Hereford advised us that they would happily sell the tickets but would only pay Shortwood £8 for each ticket sold to cover their costs. The Southern League ruled that this was unacceptable and any booking fee should be passed on to the buyer if they wanted to make a charge. And have notified each club in the divison of this ruling.

Hereford have now informed us that they will now not sell tickets to their supporters which is a decision Shortwood regret as it is a severe inconvenience to any Hereford fan as they must buy the tickets in person from Shortwood or one of their outlets in person .

Shortwood will obviously make an exception to any disable supporter if they contact the club and their carer will be given a free ticket.

The club feel that they have acted properly and are sorry for any inconvenience to any Hereford fan who wishes to attend.