Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mills Auctions FA Vase Final Shirt

John Mills, with the help of club photographer Stephen Niblett, is continuing his fundraising for multiple sclerosis by auctioning his matchworn FA Vase Final Shirt.

Pic - Nibbo via eBay
This is from eBay:

John Mills - 52 goals this past season for Hereford FC - Record Goal Scorer

Auction is in aid of the MS Therapy Centre Oxford

An amazing inaugural season for Hereford FC topping the Midland Football League and beating 7 teams to reach Wembley on 22nd May in the FA Vase Final

Pic - BN
John Mills is putting up for auction his match-worn number 9 shirt in aid of one of his pupil's support centres in Abingdon

Shirt can be personally presented, signed and dedicated as desired

All net proceeds of the auction will go to MS Therapy Centre Oxford

Note: Bidders will < 10 feedback need to ask seller question and confirm identity before bid accepted

View the auction here (link).