Monday, February 01, 2016

Updated Hartley Wintney Travel Details

This from Hereford Awaydays:

THE DREAM is rapidly becoming Reality

No need for anyone to Re-confirm your seats on the coaches 

I only need to know if you decide to cancel your seat


All coaches will carry the HEREFORD AWAYDAYS number boards
to avoid getting on the wrong coach , the facebook website will
carry a full list of every person travelling so no confusion

Coach 1 - 61 seater with Disabled access / toilets etc....FULL 

Coach 2 - 61 seater with Disabled access / toilets etc.....FULL

Coach 3 - 49 seater with toilets  20 booked on 29 seats available


HEREFORD - Radfords - loading up at 09-45am.......Depart 10-00am

LEDBURY - Market House - 10-30am


At such short notice call  Reg - 01684 572945 or Text - 07958 176 937
I need your Full name - Pick up point - Number of seats required

Seats are £15-00 each / pay the collector en route please

Should HEREFORD FC reach Wembley 

HEREFORD AWAYDAYS will run upto 20 plus coaches as cheap as possible

As a gesture to all our unpaid volunteers , we will provide FREE coach travel