The Trust board would like to remind members that this Thursday, 18th February, will see a Special General Meeting called to formally approve the eight candidates who have put themselves forward for the HUST Board.
The board would encourage as many members to attend as possible, as this
is an opportunity to shape the future of the Trust moving forward. We
are in the rare position in modern football of having fan representation
on the board of Hereford FC, but a strong Trust needs a strong
membership so that we can have an influence on the running of what is our club.
The agenda for the meeting can be downloaded here, along with the recommendations of the Election Management Group ( These recommendations will be discussed at Thursday’s SGM and comments
or queries from members are welcomed. New memberships and renewals will
also be available on the night.
Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, the meeting will now take place in Addisons and not the Starlite Rooms as previously advertised.
The HUST Board looks forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Please note the meeting starts at 7pm
Please note the meeting starts at 7pm