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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

More Volunteers Needed At Edgar Street

More volunteers are needed by Hereford FC to help get Edgar Street into prime condition before the first home friendly takes place on July 11th.

Co-ordinator Ken Kinnersley explains.

There has been increasing coverage through social and other media this week of the huge amount of specialist work being undertaken at the stadium. The result is that we have been fully occupied – and with evening meetings taking place as well – this has prevented the normal organisation that goes into our essential weekend working parties.
However, we do still need our core of volunteers, plus anyone else who is able and willing to donate a few hours to come along and help prepare the ground for the first home match. There is a lot to do still.
For example, the fitting of the replacement cladding on the Meadow End (looks great by the way!) has exposed a lot of litter that is now blowing around spoiling the terraces and the rear of the ground. It will take one person about an hour to clear up, but 5 would do it quicker!
Then there is painting, a lot of painting, but again the more brushes there are waving around then the quicker it looks better and judging by last week’s “artists” it is quite rewarding to be part of a small team undertaking a big job and seeing the overall results.
So, with apologies for the absence of a personal email to our loyal volunteers, we are hoping that those who have been before and are available, as well as anyone who has not yet joined us, will do so this weekend.
The invitation is open to anyone, fan or not, who is prepared to lend a hand rubbing down and repainting.
To join us all you need to do is send an e-mail to volunteers@herefordfc.co.uk and in the subject line put only one of the three options, “YES – Sat 13” or “YES – Sun 14” or “YES Both 13 and 14”. Please do not write anything in the body of the email as it will not be opened.
We will not have time to reply by e-mail to everyone, so if you are willing to help, please report to Radford’s at 9.20am for a 9.30am start both days. We will only contact you to cancel should that be necessary for any reason.
If you could bring something like a 2inch brush, a paint kettle or clean tin and some solvent to clean the brush that would help. You also need to bring something to eat, but we are fortunate that Tesco, Bewell Street, Hereford, will kindly donate tea, coffee, biscuits, milk, sugar once again.
We look forward to seeing you sometime over the weekend!
Meanwhile, I’d just like to remind our Match Day volunteers that tomorrow night’s meeting will commence at 7.30pm prompt in Radford’s Bar. You do not have to notify me of your attendance, please feel free to turn up on the night.
Best wishes and thank you for all you are doing,