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Friday, May 08, 2015

Fans Forum Announced

There will be a fans forum for Hereford FC supporters on Wednesday May 20th at the Railway Club (GWRSA), Barton Road, HR4 0AY starting at 8pm.

The venue only holds around 120 so entry will be on a first come, first served basis.

As well as board members, manager Peter Beadle and his coach Matt Bishop will all address the meeting.

‘We have been discussing a Fans Forum for some time but have held off until we had confirmation of when we are likely to be allocated a league,' said Jon Hale, Hereford FC chairman.

 'This may not impact on what is discussed on the night, but it seemed right to wait for this to be confirmed.
‘We are very much looking forward to meeting supporters at this event, and I know that Pete and Matt are looking forward to sharing some of their plans with fans too.
‘As a Board, this will be our first chance to personally thank people for the support they are already showing us and the commitment fans have displayed by buying more than 700 season tickets.
‘Please do come along to this Fans Forum if you can, but remember, numbers are limited so please make sure you get there early!’

More details: http://www.herefordfc.co.uk/2015/05/08/fans-forum-at-railway-gwrsa-club-on-20-may/