Saturday, March 28, 2015

It Was A Team Effort Said Watson

Martin Watson has been at the fore-front of setting up Hereford FC. Yesterday the club were given the keys to Edgar Street and Watson spoke to BBC Hereford and Worcester about how pleased he was.

This morning he has commented further.

"I cannot thank Phil Pratt enough for the work he did in securing the leases. That man is a genius. He's not a Hereford fan (despite his recently acquired Bulls News obsession) but he's worked above and beyond the call of duty to secure the stadium on good terms using his vast knowledge. I also must thank Matt Hayes and the team of Harrison Clarke Rickerby for their assistance over the last few weeks in pulling the leases together and preparing contracts for our new manager and staff. I must also thank the person that put Phil and Matt our way, being able to be told "go to him" and getting the best is invaluable.

"I have constantly said that this is a team effort. Andy Morris was on H&W about 5pm calling Edgar Street "the Wembley of Herefordshire" in his delight at the news of the securing of the leases. I must also thank Andy for his substantial insight into what we are to expect next season and the challenges we are to face. And, indeed, the entire Westfields committee. Every one I have spoken to has admitted to being a Hereford fan and wanting the best for the club, and they have all given me the opportunity to ask them anything I need to know.

"The same goes for Wellington, Pegasus, and Malvern. They have been incredibly welcoming this season and have provided valuable tales and insight. They all - and Westfields - wrote letters to the Council to support the bid for the stadium. There is no envy there, they all want a Football League club at Edgar Street as we do.

"And the HFA. Jim Lambert and the whole team there have been incredibly supportive despite having been lambasted by previous regimes. Without Jim's substantial knowledge we wouldn't have been in a position to be able to tick off the boxes on the FA application. We've still work to do to get across the line, which is why I'm up at 5am on a Saturday morning, but the whole of Herefordshire football is supporting us to make Hereford FC kick off a league match in August.

"And, indeed, Herefordshire Council. They have wanted this deal to go through but have had to jump through their own local Government hoops. But there are plenty of staff there are also Hereford fans and, sometimes, those little unseen nudges in the right places do wonders to push the process along. I can't name them, they've asked me not to, but there are several people in HC that all Bulls fans have to be thankful for their role in proceedings.

"We wouldn't be where we are today without everyone's effort. But this small group of people highlighted above deserve a special mention right now."