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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Response from SaveEdgarStreet Blog To Lonsdale's Anger

SaveEdgarStreet have responded to Hereford United chairman Andy Lonsdale anger at the 'social media campaign that is being conducted against (us)'

'For The Record'

The SaveEdgarStreet.com blog is run by a team of fans. We only publish articles that are well researched and factually correct. Our team meticulously research data for all of our stories. This is passed onto our report authors for use on the site. The vast majority of the information we have made available is already in the public domain. Our researchers have simply mined this data and our authors have repackaged it for our audience.
We have been in receipt of the voicemails for some time. We received them anonymously. We spent a number of weeks assessing their validity. Seeking evidence about their origin. Speaking to other supporters who also received calls, texts and voicemails. It was only when we were absolutely satisfied they were genuine that we prepared them for release. We did not want to damage our credibility if they were later proved to be a hoax. We even went as far to email a copy of the released message to Andy Lonsdale on 7 November 2014. We asked for his views. Andy declined to comment. We also note that yesterday’s statement did not deny the validity of the voicemails. Make of that what you will.
Tonight we invite Andy to respond to one question:
Do you deny the voices on the recording are Tommy Agombar and yourself?
We await legal correspondence from the club. Nothing has been received to date. As it stands our point of view is that we are within the law. If we are not we will correct this straight away. We did not set up this blog to cause trouble. We set it up to tell the truth. If the Club reports the blog to the Police we will be happy to help them with their enquiries. We will also be happy to discuss the full content of the voicemails with them.
It’s interesting that Lonsdale is crying wolf about family details being included on our blog. Perhaps he should have thought twice about asking his wife and daughter to front insolvent companies for him if he didn’t want this to happen. Their names have only been published because of their business connections to Andy. All of this data is in the public domain for anyone to access with the patience to look for it.
Whilst it is every husband and fathers right to protect their family maybe Andy should think about the families that he has hurt. £9m of company debt from Mr and Mrs Lonsdale will have hurt and possibly bankrupted many individuals over the years with their unpaid bills. What about the hurt he has caused to families nearby to Feltham Arena who have to contend with their properties being flooded as a consequence of the unauthorised waste dumping his company undertook? Perhaps he should think about the young and vulnerable players being attracted to club who are being paid so irregularly they couldn’t afford to pay for their meals in Pizza Hut. Most significantly he should think of the people and families that were bombarded with calls, abuse and DEATH THREATS by individuals connected to the club. It is probably fair to say one or two articles on a football blog come nowhere close to the misery and fear that he and his associates have caused to other people.
If Andy wants to reassure supporters that ‘they are not just here for the development’ then maybe he could explain the council emails we’ve released? Maybe he could explain why Tommy Agombar said ‘I don’t know nuffink about no leases’ outside Brockington on 3 June 2014 when his ‘football consultant’, Andy Lonsdale, had already met with Council officials to talk about the leases on 11 May 2014? Maybe he could ask club owner Alan McCarthy to talk to fans at a Fans Forum rather than staying continually silent. If he really wants to reassure fans then he should consider satisfying the clubs creditors as he has continually promised since June. Even sacrosanct football creditors are still awaiting their cash.
There are many more things we could say but we will save them for another day. We will continue to shine a light on the goings on at Edgar Street. We have many stories ready to release and many others being researched. We will report anything that is relevant. We will not be cowed by bullies.
It is 48 hours since the ‘the greatest cockney rip off’ was released to the world. Since then over 3,500 people have listened to the clip online. Many more thousands have heard it on BBC Hereford and Worcester. There is more to come. Watch this space.
We appeal to all Bulls fans to stay UNITED. We must continue to work together to do what it takes to oust the current regime. As a group we are powerful. Lets continue to work together So we can get our club back and #SaveEdgarStreet.
Andy would do well to remember: football without fans is nothing.
Freetown Kudos

On behalf of the SaveEdgarStreet.com Team