Friday, November 21, 2014

It's All About Development Potential Not Football

Guest Columnist Movabull feels that the debate about the new owners of Hereford United has changed.

It's now clear that it's no longer about football, it's about the development potential of Edgar Street

There clearly was a time when local people tried to build something the Community could share. Even David Keyte fell into this category, local people who cared about Football.

That all went out the window when Keyte,( who should remain public enemy number 1 for getting us in this mess and then selling to this bunch of interlopers) sold up.

This bunch of shady, Walter Mitty types who seem to have difficulty distinguishing the truth and the opposite are only about money. The Football club is being run on the minimum spend possible. Their interest is only in the leases with their development potential as evidenced by their instant reaction when the Council (who to my mind have played a blinder) took action that might have forfeited the leases. Suddenly £50000 appeared. Not bad for a club with no visible income this season.

Clearly this lot have money, they just don’t like parting with it. Their policy is delay, delay, dissemble, fudge, muddle, mislead, and pay a little off to get people to go away, Martin Foyle, Andy Porter and The Council being  examples.

So to my mind the plan we, the Community, should adopt, is not one of sitting, waiting and watching. We should be encouraging all creditors to join the winding up petition, we should be encouraging the Council to do whatever they can to forfeit the leases, and encouraging other shareholders who feel there may have been a breach of Company Law, or the Articles of Association of HUFC(1939) Ltd to take legal action to have some of the past decisions set aside. Otherwise this lot may get away with rape of our club while we sit and wait and watch.

The other person who’s played a blinder here is Jesse Norman who has shown what a spineless lot the FA and The Southern League are.  I get the impression he could help a lot more if called upon to do so.

I think the Trust need to be more pro active, otherwise how long is this nightmare going to go on for? I’ve had to spend my Saturday afternoon mowing!