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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Did The Club Sign The Leases Correctly?

The lease documents published on Herefordshire Council's website may not have been correctly signed by the club.

The lease documents should have been signed by two board members - either two Directors of the club, or a Director and the Company Secretary. In the case of all three leases they were signed by then chairman David Keyte and Lee Symonds - who was not Company Secretary but Club Secretary, a non-board position.

Hereford United last had a Company Secretary with Tim Russon, who resigned as both Company Secretary and Director on June 20th, 2012. 

Back in 2008, Company law changed to drop the requirement of a company to have a Secretary. The ability to not name a Secretary only applies if the role was not written into the Articles of Association of the company, which it is with Hereford United.