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Monday, August 04, 2014

The End Of HUISA

A decision was taken to dissolve HUISA at their AGM this evening. Whilst for technical reasons this can't happen until next month, in reality HUISA has come to the end of its life.

The AGM held at the Richmond Club was attended by 30 members plus those on top table, chairman Keith Dodd, secretary Dave White, treasurer Nicki White, vice-chairman Dave Weaver and away travel organiser Richard Burkin.

The main item on the agenda was to make a decision on the future of HUISA. Both the chairman, secretary and treasurer told the meeting they didn't want to continue in their positions and as there had been no nominations to fill the posts, a decision was forced on the meeting.

Ken Kinnersley proposed that HUISA be dissolved and this was agreed but then came the problem of what to do with HUISA's shares and money. As their constitution stands any assets pass to the manager of Hereford United. However Kinnersley felt that given the situation at the club the assets should be passed elsewhere. This was agreed but then came a long debate about how this should be done and to whom the assets should pass.

Eventually it was decided that another meeting would be held on Monday September 1st to change the constitution. All members will be sent a letter/e-mail to inform them of the meeting and also give them two options about the shares and money.

The first option is to move both the shares and money to the Supporters Trust, the second option to to transfer the shares to the Trust but give the money to UITC, United in the Community.

Once that has been decided, HUISA will be no more.