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Friday, July 11, 2014

Sinkums To Play Hereford United Next Wednesday

According to the Hereford Times, a Hereford League Two club, Sinkums, have agreed to play a pre-season friendly against Hereford United next Wednesday.

The game will take place behind closed doors.

Updated: HUSSA has confirmed that JMart do not currently sponsor Sinkums.

  • Sinkums football club was established in 2006 by 1st manager and club secretary Barry Hopkins. The club first started out as a sunday league outfit from a local pool club called Sinkum on Belmont Rd hense the name.
    The pool club closed and sinkums moved to many places such as k,s pool club and the brewers arm but decided to keep the name through out.
    In 2008 a company came in and sponsored Sinkums called Jmart on widemarsh st. The director of the successfull company jmart took over as the chairmen of the club but left the running of it to the founder Barry Hopkins.
    Since the take over of the club sinkums have grown massively as a club and moved to a saturday league and have carried on with the winning ways.But for the season 13/14 sinkum fc were taken out the Prem and put into Div 3 for so made reson to do with x-Manager Barry Hopkins and Herefordshire FA,Tony Chadwick took over from barry and in his 1st season as manager of the 1st team done the double by winning Div 3 and the Peterson cup season 13/14.Now Manager Tony is hoping for more silver wear in the new season coming 14/15.....