Saturday, July 26, 2014

HUISA Distance Themselves From Queen Gig

This from HUISA:

HUISA would like to state that last night's tribute show at the club was not supported by them. The show was booked by Border Leisure which is co-run by Keith Dodd. The contract was between the club and the agency and once again we state that HUISA had no part in this.

Meanwhile, HUISA have also posted a reminder about their AGM a week on Monday:

HUISA would like to remind members that their AGM will take place on MONDAY 4TH AUGUST at the Richmond Place club starting at 7.30 pm. Nominations are open for election to the committee and for the roles of Chairman, Secretary / membership administrator. These must be received no later than FRIDAY 1ST AUG, with a proposer and seconder, who must be current members. Nominations should be sent to or PO BOX 1999 HEREFORD HR2 7WA.