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Monday, July 28, 2014


Stig gives his opinion on the situation at Hereford United

We all knew that Mr Agombar and his associates were going to dodge another bullet today by getting a further adjournment so lets not stress too much about that.

Those of us bright enough to see these people have no interest in football in Hereford whatsoever (the majority I'm sure) need to hold firm and do as much as we can to explain the situation in full to every Hereford United fan we meet in the next two weeks who is considering to going to any home game. Ignore the wind up merchants on message boards - they are not worth wasting time with - and do not abuse those people who cannot see what is going on and still think football matters.

However, do take every opportunity to explain to fellow fans who do not use the internet why it is so important not to hand over any hard earned cash to the new 'asset stripping' regime. Once the full situation is explained, most people do get it and will do the right thing.

Whatever game Mr Agombar is playing, this charade is going to start costing him serious amounts of money if he's hoping to run a 'ghost' team on very little gate money and no sponsorship. If the team starts playing (and that's a big if), think of all the costs that are racked up and, even if he gets the 'fake' CVA sorted, how is he going to keep up the payments (£400k plus per year for 3 years) as well as fund any football (a full time team apparently!) even as a token gesture?

The new regime clearly do not want to spend any cash - or probably don't have as much as they initially claimed - so every day they are forced to stay here without making any progress towards development and getting the leases will harm them.

If we love what used to be our club, we must starve these men out financially and do all we can to ensure pressure is maintained on the council, HMRC and the football community (apart from the Southern League as they have no credibility at all). Now we have no chance of getting a new club playing competitive games in 2014/15, I am willing to be more patient in terms of getting rid of Mr Agombar even if it takes several months as it did with Stephen Vaughan at Chester.

I have no right to do this but please, please, please can I ask that true fans do not break this boycott, whether Mr Agomabr eventually pays all the football creditors or not. His game is to do the bare minimum required to get his grubby hands on Edgar Street to do what he wants with it so we must not allow that to happen. The weeks of lies, lies and more lies and treating fans and former staff with utter contempt and disdain means he should never get a second chance. I'm sorry but some people do not deserve one.

Even now his 'voluntary' helpers Mr Nathan and Mr Lonsdale are choosing to slag off loyal supporters of our wonderful club - who have understandable, genuine concerns about the future - rather than give any honest, realistic, sensible information out about their plans. Do they really think supporters believe a word of what comes out of their mouths and are hanging on their every utterance on the Hereford Times website?

Keep the faith everyone, do not back down and above all remember that you'll be doing this for yourself and fellow fans - present and future. Turn up to as many Supporters' Team games as possible to also demonstrate the strength of feeling. Not only are large numbers at the games a very obvious protest against TA and a strong, visible message to Herefordshire Council, but from a personal point of view it will give you a lift to be around people who care so much and you'll actually enjoy a few hours with like minded people. I loved the Ledbury game, it reminded of everything that used to be great about our club.

I've explained to my 7-year-old son in very basic terms why we do not have a team to support this year and even at that age he knows the difference between right and wrong. And, without even querying it, he knows these 'nasty men' (as I had to describe them) are wrong, that the majority of our fans are right and that we cannot go to Edgar Street until they've left.

The battle with these serials liars and scammers will be won, it may take a while but that will only make it even sweeter.