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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Some Thoughts On Matters Hereford United

Supporter Robert Bartup has some thoughts on the current situation at Hereford United.

1 There are laws on libel, slander, defamation and so on. I’m told its costly to fight a case. Therefore whatever peoples underlying anger, then its best to avoid personal attacks. (Like “Tommy is a liar”)

2 I’m still concerned about the players and staff  wages, more concerned than I was earlier in week. I saw an individual was attempting to do something, I don’t know how far he’s got but I’d rather give my 4 figure cheque to HUISA/HUST and leave them to sort matters. Surely someone can get hold of Saint Luke and ask what people are owed, how much they’ve had and we can then reckon roughly what the net amount would be after PAYE and NI so we know how much has to be found and paid to them.

3 In connection with 2, and in connection with the laugh or cry situation at Edgar Street generally, by this time last year many of us would have bought season tickets. Why don’t those who would buy a season ticket normally pay the same amount to HUISA/HUST and leave them to buy our season tickets for us? That would give them enough money to pay the players/staff and perhaps some other creditors on behalf of the club with that amount being knocked off the bulk order for season tickets. That would give HUISA/HUST more leverage with Tommy and his gang.

4 I think there’s a leadership vacuum at the moment on the supporters side. We need one authoritative voice. HUISA/HUST/the business consortium need to sort out leadership.

5 In this situation real money will talk. Promises wont. Therefore anyone/any organisation trying to sort things out needs to have its cash in the bank to point to. If things don’t proceed those who put the money in would obviously get it back, but the money needs to be there now, not later. After all Tommy seems to be good on jam tomorrow.