Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Graham Reviews The Greatest Escape

In his latest blog, Bulls captain Luke Graham reviews the season in a cryptic style. Here are some extracts:

'The Greatest Escape is a 2014 British film about the greatest Conference Premier relegation escape in history, starring some footballers from all over England, several coaches, a crazy Physio and a loyal Kit man (already from Hereford) who confined themselves to imprisonment in Hereford for ten months in hope of surviving relegation to the Conference North/South. The biggest stars to come out of the film as unlikely heroes in the end were Sam Smith, Dan Walker and Michael Rankine. The Characters in the film were played by themselves. The film was made by Hereford United Football Club, is yet to be released by Jamie Griffiths, and produced and directed by Luke Graham.'


'Yet a dark cloud was looming on Edgar Street as we entered February. Rations were started to get very limited for all the players and staff, causing plenty of unrest. One notable long serving prisoner, Josh O’Keefe, shocked everyone as he managed to plot his own escape. He was very hard working and well respected amongst the fellow prisoners despite contrary beliefs from outsiders. This caused Captain Luke Graham to also try and plot an escape exit…Unfortunately for the Captain, all avenues had been blocked and the prison had tightened up on security. There was no way out for him or any other prisoners and certainly no way of capturing any other desolate prisoners from outside Fortress Edgar Street.'


'The aftermath will never be forgotten amongst Hereford United supporters, staff and players who represented the club. The day will long live in the memory. The club had survived a season in which so many clubs would certainly and have fallen. Not Hereford United.'


'Many of the lads drove from Aldershot to Hereford to finish off this emotional season in style. Luke Graham, Dan Walker and Sam Smith only had their Hereford Track suits to their names so ended up in Tesco’s at 11pm looking for clothes. They apologise to the security staff for stripping half naked in the aisles and wearing the clothes to the checkout! Some said Graham looked better than most, which wasn’t bad considering his whole outfit cost him £22!'

The full, lengthy, blog is on his site: http://thelukegrahamblog.wordpress.com/