Hereford United (1939) Ltd will hold its AGM in the Starlite Rooms at 7pm this evening.
Shareholders will receive the report of the directors and accounts for the year ended 31st May 2013.
The meeting was originally set to take place on February 26th but was postponed at short notice.
There has been some speculation why the meeting was cancelled, however chairman David Keyte made the following statement at the time.
"We know we may have been a bit short on notice so we have decided to rearrange," said Keyte.
Meanwhile shareholders will be hoping that Keyte will update them on the latest financial position at the club also confirm or deny whether he has been talking to interested parties about his stake in the club.
In theory the chairman could restrict discussion to the accounts up to last May but that seems unlikely given discussions held late last month with players.
"A full and open discussion gave the players information about the club's financial situation and also the opportunity to raise their own concerns," said Keyte.
It's expected some confidential information will be given to shareholders at the meeting which the chairman may not want the media to publish.
"BN claims that the football club is 'public interest' is not strictly true whilst it operates as a Limited Company, even though we accept the blurring of lines around this," Keyte told BN recently.
Finally it's disappointing that shareholders have not been able to have copies of the accounts ahead of the meeting. Last year copies were made available to registered shareholders several days before the meeting.
After the game finished on Saturday one shareholder asked if he could have a copy but was told they were not ready.
UPDATE 12.45pm: Hereford United have confirmed that anyone who is a shareholder can attend this evening's meeting.
UPDATE 12.45pm: Hereford United have confirmed that anyone who is a shareholder can attend this evening's meeting.