Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Secret Footballer Talks Bulls

The Non-League Paper's masked columnist The Secret Footballer has directed his latest column at the Bulls' financial problems.

He writes: 'As a player, you have to try to put the off-field activities to one side and solely focus on your responsibilities on the pitch. It is hard, though, if not next to impossible. It’s times like this when the best players take the club and community into their hearts.

After all, they sign up for the job because they find something which attracts them to the club, whether it be the location, the manager, money, security, the style of play or future plans.

Even away from the bubble of a footballer in which we are so wrapped and fixated, this scenario happens all the time in everyday life. People lose their jobs and move on due to companies closing down.

In this case, it’s not just a business. It’s a community and an important part of the local area, where people come to meet friends, socialise, have a dodgy burger and share the same experiences. It’s a place where you are all as one; a place at which, I’m sure, the other worries in life are withdrawn for 90 minutes.

This is the passion, from the supporters, that I have found in Non-League. They pay our wages but, more importantly, give us a reason to be able to play professionally the game we love. Clubs have gone but have reformed, run by the fans.

And going by what the Hereford fans have been able to do in raising around £20,000 towards the debt in such a limited amount of time, this club demonstrates that it has a future, even if the worst possible news comes true on Monday.'

The full column is on the NLP website here (link).