Sunday, January 06, 2013

Frustrating said Grimsby Manager Scott

According to their manager, Rob Scott, Grimsby had a 'frustrating' afternoon yesterday when they were held to a 1-1 by Hereford United.

"I thought we were by far the better team, " Scott told BBC sport.

"They did not show a great deal of ambition. 

"More so second-half, they packed the mid-field and they packed the defence.

"We scored so early on we hoped the game would be stretched.

"Then we make an error just before half-time and they get back in it.

"Then they showed what they would have done from the outset if we hadn't scored so early and that was to get bodies behind the ball and look to hit us on the counter-attack.

"That was in the reports we had from Kidderminster where they won 1-0.

"So frustration but we haven't lost."