Friday, October 05, 2012

HUISA Chief Calls For Support

HUISA chairman Keith Dodd has called for supporters to back the Bulls this weekend.

The supporters group is one of the club's largest shareholders and donated over £8,000 to the Bulls last season. While they're not at the stage of rattling buckets round Edgar Street, Dodd acknowledges that the tight financial situation means that the club's fans need to do what they can to boost the club's coffers:

"We do need every Bulls fans that can to turn out on Saturday and support not only the team, but the club as well. We're in danger of slipping into financial trouble that has seen the likes of Halifax, Darlington, and Chester go down in recent seasons, but we've got an early warning and can do something about it to avert potential disaster.

"We, the fans, can help by using the club bars, visiting the club shop, and buying a programme and a 50/50 ticket. HUISA made £7,000 for the football club tax free last year by running the 50/50 draw. Our sellers will be around the ground as usual on Saturday, so please buy a ticket or two and help the club."