Sunday, September 09, 2012

Players Need To Prove Their Worth

Yesterday's 5-2 defeat at Ewen Fields was about as bad as it gets for the Bulls.

Ryan Bowman - probably Hereford's Man of the Match
With due respect to Hyde, Hereford United were second to virtually everything after the first fifteen minutes or so.

Hyde were given too much room all over the field, allowed to get forward often without a challenge, and generally bossed much of the game.

Yet they are a part-time club with probably the lowest player budget in the Conference.

And if it wasn't for the £100K or so per season they receive from Manchester City, who play some of their reserve games at the ground, it's questionable whether they could ever come near to balancing the books with attendances like yesterday which was only 688.

It's understood some of Hyde's players are on little more than apperance money plus out of pocket expenses. 

Hereford manager Martin Foyle has a full time squad of players, some of whom could be earning five times more a week from football than their conterparts at Hyde.

Those same players will be at Dartford next Saturday. They need to prove their worth.

Foyle may make some changes for the game but with a small squad and at least three players doubtfull, he is limited as to what he can do without bringing someone in. That's if there is any money left in his budget.

Hopefully Marley Watkins will be back in the squad for the game. Otherwise Foyle can do little more than start players such as Simon Clist instead of Ashley Sammon for example.

Meanwhile before the start of yesterday's game James McQuilken was spotted talking to Director of Football Gary Peters presumably about a loan move away from Edgar Street