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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Chairman’s Question Time – Part 3

BN – Ground Leases.  Are you happy that buying them back was the right thing to do?

DK – Without question, although I didn't expect it to take over twelve months for the lawyers to sort out the paperwork.  It's all agreed now and we can move forward.

BN - During your negotiations with The Richardsons, were you able to establish to what extent they had been committed to the redevelopment of the ground and, in particular, the proposed new Blackfriars Stand?

DK – Soon after buying The Club we (DK & TR) had a meeting with The Richardsons, or rather their management, to discuss the planned development.  They are a very large concern.  There were people from the Midlands, the Southwest and from London.  I had taken a pound coin just in case we got a cheeky deal.  It became apparent that the gentleman heading the Richardsons' delegation knew little or nothing of the proposed development and that, in fact, the person who had conducted the discussions with the Football Club had left the Richardsons employment some six months earlier.  We asked if it would be possible to go ahead with the demolition of the old Blackfriars end terrace and we were told that nothing could be done until the issues with the debt had been resolved.  We asked if the leases would be returned if the debt was settled and we were told that they would.  We eventually agreed a figure and the deal has been done.

BN – So, could the building of the new Blackfriars Stand have gone ahead?

DK – The correct planning application had been made and the application for grant funds had been approved but without our, then, landlords consent nothing could be done.  Also, the proposed extension to the leases (to the proposed 125 years) had not been finalised.

BN – Agents Fees.  How did GT manage to get away with paying, apparently, no agents fees when you have spent several thousand pounds?

DK – I don’t know.  Certainly some of the contracted players we inherited had Agents in fact, almost all of the squad do.  We recently spoke to a fifteen year-old with a view to him joining our youth department and we were told we had to speak to his agent.  Agents don’t work for nothing.

BN - Player Contracts.  Are there get-out/reduction clauses in the contracts that run into next season?

DK – Most, but not all, of the contracts have reduction clauses in them relating to relegation.

BN - Why did you consider it necessary to extend the contracts of some players before the end of the present season and before knowing who might be available in the close season?

DK – Gary Peters felt that we needed to start putting into place the basis of a squad for next season.  The contracts were done following discussions with the, then, manager (Jamie Pitman) and his assistant (Hoult).

BN – Club Finances.  Is a share issue a possibility to help offset the trading deficit?

DK – We have a shortfall of around £400,000 compared to last season's funding.  We have to tighten our belts and look at all available and new revenue streams.  We are open to any suggestions or financial input that will help to improve the Club’s funding.  We have recently strengthened the Board and I am confident that we will reach our targets.