Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Bulls Supporter To Carry Olympic Flame

8,000 inspirational people will carry the Olympic Flame as it journeys across the UK. Nominated by someone they know, it will be their moment to shine, inspiring millions of people watching in their community, in the UK and worldwide.  And one of them is a Hereford United supporter.

Sarah Davies is 28 and works at a local Children's Nursery. A year or so ago she won an Award from the Girl Guides for her dedication over a number of years as a guide leader. The most extraordinary thing is that she's done so much whilst dealing with the fact that she has not got any arms. She was born this way. Never has she ever complained about her situation, she's simply got on with and made the best of it. For so many people with such a disability it would have been easy to sit back and not find work, not learn how to drive, not volunteer.

Sarah will be carrying the Olympic Flame through Lugwardine village, just outside Hereford, on May 24th.