Thursday, September 01, 2011

Stansfield Foundation To Sponsor Local Teams

The Adam Stansfield Foundation is to sponsor two girls sides at Westfields with kits for the coming season.

The Foundation will support community teams near Adam's former sides, with Westfields' girls under 12's and under 14's wearing kits bearing the Foundation's logo for the coming season.

The two sides will compete in the Herefordshire Junior Girls leagues, but they are in need of players for the coming season. Organiser Luke Powell told us:

We have 1 team in the under 12 (school years 6 and 7) and 2 in the under 14 (years 8 and 9) Herefordshire junior girls league this year and are really struggling for players this year. If you know anyone who may be interested (particaurly for the 2nd under 14 team in years 8 and 9) in joining then please get them to give me a call (07876 077152).

No experience is needed and its just a bit of fun and not taken too seriously. Its a great way for the players to meet new friends and stay healthy!