Sunday, June 12, 2011

There's Something About Jack

The advent of Twitter and it's subsequent ability for fans to have direct contact with players has seen a few cases of fans pleading with players to join their club.

None of these chases has been quite as prolific as the current clamour for the former Oxford striker Jack Midson. The 27 year old has spent most of his career as a part-timer while combining coaching roles in both football and tennis, scoring nine times in 34 games in his first season of League football last term.

Fans of AFC Wimbledon and Cheltenham were already trying to charm Midson when David Keyte's comments of having to wait a couple of weeks for a striker to return to the country sent Bulls fans hunting the internet for clues as to who the mystery man was. The usual suspects were investigated and clues were sought as to which was the likely signing.

Rumoured targets Darren Byfield and Jake Robinson were both declared to be in the UK. Midson was on holiday, so it had to be him.

And he wasn't about to give the game away either. In his 'Not so secret footballer' blog, Midson confirmed he was likely to stay in the League and that his destination would be common knowledge when he returned from holiday.

Bulls fans joined the Wombles and Robins in vying for Jack's 'affections' on Twitter, and he played the game by retweeting virtually every message, both for and against each club, and leaving fans no better off than when they started.

Cheltenham boss Mark Yates and AFC Wimbledon boss Terry Brown have both confirmed talks with Midson, with Yates pretty much admitting he wasn't financially able to compete while the player confirmed on Friday that Yates had not offered him a deal.

Jamie Pitman is playing his cards straight out of the Graham Turner book of transfer negotiations, and no-one knows for sure even if the Bulls have approached Midson.

But the Oxford fans joining in the fun seem convinced he's Edgar Street bound...