Thursday, February 03, 2011

HUISA announce Cheltenham plans

HUISA, the official HUFC away travel organisers, will be running coaches to the away game at Cheltenham on Saturday 12th February. Departure is set for 12.30 from Radford's.

Seats cost just £9 for members and £11 for non-members and can be booked in Radford's before both the Lincoln game on Saturday and the Macclesfield game on Tuesday. Alternatively, places can be booked through The Club office (08442 761939) although it is believed that the membership discount is only available by booking in Radford's on one of the pre-match dates.

Demand is expected to be high for this, now traditional, INVASION fixture so please book early to enable HUISA to arrange extra coaches as required.

Fans are also reminded that the game is ALL TICKET for HUFC fans.