Below is an update from Adam Wright, one of the five football fans who are aiming to drive to all 92 Premier and Football League grounds in 80 hours in aid of the Adam Stansfield Foundation.
"Great news. Our friends at Accrington Stanley have kindly donated 2 match tickets for any home match during the 2010/11 season. The tickets, they state, can be used in either the home or away end. We are due to play Accrington on March the 30th. So, we have decided that anyone that sponsors us before the 12th march (our final day) will automatically be entered into a draw for these tickets, in accordance with their donation. For example, a sponsorship of up to £5 will get you one entry, and a further entry for every £5 after (£10 will get 2 entries, £2 or £8 would get you 1 entry etc)
We are currently setting up an online donations site, but until then continue to take pledges. To register a pledge, or for more details, email
For those of you that have pledged previously, you will automatically be entered. Should you not wish to, please just email.
All proceeds to Adam Stansfield Foundation
Text at top (next game etc)
Next game: Curzon Ashton At Edgar Street On Saturday March 22nd at 3.00pm