Thursday, August 06, 2009

Turner talks about Blackfriars Development

In his latest interview on the OS Hereford United chairman Graham Turner has indicated that the new Blackfriars Stand may take longer to complete than he would like.

The change of plans to take account of the fact that the stand will be all seater will result in a slight delay in getting the planning application into the Herefordshire council.

"We will know probably early next week roughly what it all will cost us," said Turner talking to the official site.

"Tomorrow there will be a soil test to make sure there is no contamination. That will add to costs if there is any contamination.

"Sometimes it's 28 days, sometimes it's 13 weeks to get planning permission.

"But we want to get it up and running as soon as possible.

"I set a target of the end of the season, that might be a naive way of looking at things. It might be naive to think we can do it in that time span but has got to be the target."