Sunday, August 02, 2009

18 Ways to Help the Bulls

From next Saturday Hereford United will have a squad of 18 players for each game as this coming season there will be seven substitutes on the bench instead of five in previous campaigns.

Taking two extra players to away games, especially when the squad has to leave Edgar Street on a Friday afternoon, will cost money.

However supporters can help with those, and many other costs, by considering joining various initatives connected with Hereford United or perhaps sponsoring a player.

Bulls News has put together a list of 18 ways to help the club.

1 - Join HUISA and help them raise money for the club.

2 - Travel to away games with HUISA

3 - Sponsor a player

4 - Sponsor a match

5 - Buy a season ticket

6 - Join the VP lottery

7 - Buy a 50/50 ticket at home games

8 - Buy a replica shirt

9 - Join the Junior Bulls (always assuming you are young enough)

10 - Become a programme seller

11 - Become a steward

12 - Sponsor a match ball

13 - If in business consider an advertising board

14 - Have a pre-match drink in Radfords

15 - Advertise in the match programme - Bullseye

16 - Join the Back the Bulls lottery

17 - Go to the Annual Sportsmans Dinner

18 - Become a VP

No doubt there are many other ways supporters can help the Bulls in what is likely to be a difficult season ahead. For more details on most of the ideas please contact the club on 0844 2761939.