In his post match interview, Hereford United manager talked about the possibility of fresh faces at Edgar Street. Whether one of them was 'keeper Matt Murray who is coming to Hereford on loan from Wolves wasn't made clear.
"We've got a situation we've got a week (to the Cheltenham match), they're might be fresh faces in, there might be something we can work at.
"I don't know, we are always working on it, we have done for sometime. So we'll have to wait and see what the week brings.
"A lot of half promises, a lot of we'll do it if we can, if we get rid of our injuries. Sometimes it doesn't materialise despit the fact that you think you are well on the way to signing somebody.
"May be this is the week our luck will turn and one or two managers will say yes."
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Next game: Rushall Away On Tuesday March 11th at 7.45pm