Thursday, March 13, 2008

An Unpleasant Evening at Mansfield

One Hereford United supporter had a night to remember at Mansfield last Tuesday for all the wrong reasons. Chris Powis, who contributes to this website under the name of Ex-Landlord, tried to speak to stewards after another Hereford supporter had been thrown out of the ground. Below is his version of events.

Firstly, I had driven a full 17-seater from Hereford to Mansfield therefore was responsible for putting more than a few shillings into their pockets. We arrived around 6.30. Normally, we would go to a local hostelry so the lads could have a beer and myself something to eat. On this occasion I decided we would use their club. The reason for this was simply that they are known to be in need of extra cash and using their “facilities” would obviously help. Whilst in the club a number of us, including myself, bought programmes and half-time draw tickets (extra cash). I spoke to a number of their fans who were all pleasant and felt extremely comfortable in the surroundings. Naturally, the subject of Phil Stant was part of the conversation.

Fifteen minutes(ish) before the kick-off we went to the turnstiles. From this moment I felt the stewards were both aggressive and confrontational. I bought a coffee and a pie and made my way into the Stand. Towards the top of the steps I stopped to talk to Graham Goodwin (Organic) for a few moments. I was immediately told to sit down by the steward standing at the top of the steps. I had not reached the position where I intended to sit and the players were not even on the pitch at this time. I had certainly done nothing wrong. Several of the funbussers had taken inflatables and appeared to have them either confiscated or deflated.

Shortly after the start of the match a steward asked to speak to Oxo. This was followed by a request to walk to the exit area where I understand he was ejected from the ground. Now, I am aware that some of “my lot” are a bit boisterous but hooligans and trouble makers they certainly are not……they would not travel with me if they were. Also, they are, fairly obviously, a lot younger than me and I therefore feel sort of responsible for them. I decided to walk down and find out what was going on and to express my dissatisfaction with the treatment we were receiving. I was not “a man possessed” as someone described but I was becoming a bit cross. I asked the first steward I spoke to what was going on and why they were behaving in the way they were. He said it was nothing to do with him (fair comment) and directed me towards a supervisor who was near the exit.

As I walked towards the supervisor, I was approached by the steward who had ejected Oxo. He was again aggressive and confrontational. I tried to explain that Oxo had done little more than fifty or sixty other fans that were stood up at the time. I had not sworn at him or raised my voice, I had simply asked for an explanation and complained about his behaviour. At this point he grabbed me by the arm and asked me if I wanted to be the next to be thrown out. I guess this is when I made my one error because I said “no I don’t want to be the ****ing next to be thrown out. He then put both arms around me spun me round in the direction of the exit at one point lifting me off the ground. When he released me, the momentum caused me to bounce off the wall and fall to the ground. I twisted my dodgy knee and felt it lock (ageing cruxiate replacement). While I was on the floor I managed to “click” my knee back into place but could feel my pulse racing and my chest tightening. I had a hefty heart attack three years ago and carry what is known as a GTN spray which I used as directed by my doctor.

After a short while I was able to get to my feet and was taken to the first aid room where my pulse was recorded at 97 bpm. After twenty minutes or so, my pulse had reduced to below 80 and I felt reasonably OK. I asked the paramedic (ex 1 Para!) if I would be able to watch the remaining part of the game from a seat above the first aid room rather than go back to the away end and he thought that would be fine. However, when I left the first aid room I was met by two stewards and marched briskly to the exit and ejected from the ground. They had clearly decided that it was unlikely that I might die whilst being unattended on the car park! I walked slowly to the minibus and listened to highlights of the game on the radio. Shortly before the end of the game I was joined by two very pleasant Police officers one of whom took my name and address and DOB (I'm 57!) to forward to The FA. He said they had regular problems with the stewards….”You’re not the first and I doubt you’ll be the last”.

Interestingly, Oxo was subsequently allowed back into the ground and did not have his name or address taken. The steward who allowed him back into the ground said they regularly have the same problem with the security “types”.

I asked for the name of the steward but they refused to give me that information.

Meanwhile the following e-mail was sent by a Hereford United supporter to Mansfield last evening. At the time of writing this article it has not even been acknowledged.

I wish to make a formal complaint about the behaviour of some of your stewards. I've been to all but one of Hereford's away games this season and not witnessed the kind of antics your stewards used anywhere else.

To have thrown one supporter, for no apparant reason, out was bad enough but to wrestle a 57 year old supporter with a heart condition to the ground when he went to enquire why the first supporter had been picked on was, I suspect, criminal.

Luckily the excellent St Johns people took the supporter, who had a damaged knee and was very shaken, for first aid. After a while the St Johns staff said he could watch the game but to stay close to the first aid area. He found a seat but two of the thuggish stewards who had been involved, and obviously waiting for him, promptly throw him out of the ground.

What would have happened if he had had a heart attack after being thrown out?

Luckily another Hereford supporter was able to take pictures of the stewards involved and witnessed the supporter lying on the concrete.

I would ask that this e-mail is shown to whoever is in charge of your club at present. A copy has been sent to the FSF (Football Supporters Federation).