Friday, March 14, 2008

Millers Think They Can Dodge Points Penalty

Rotherham are to go to court on Monday to seek an extension of their Notice to appoint an Administrator.

They believe they will dodge the points drop for entering Administration after the March 27th deadline imposed by the Football League to prevent already relegated clubs from taking the hit without any effect.

An article in the Yorkshire Post today suggests the club will try and dodge the points drop this season in an attempt to secure promotion, however the tactic is expected to be blocked by the Football League.

When they changed the rules to prevent the likes of Leeds and Boston taking last-minute Administration after they had been relegated, the Football League inserted several clauses into the new rules - one of which gives the League the right to impose the penalty when it decides. Prior to March 27th the penalty is automatically applied, but after the deadline the League will decide whether it will impose the penalty in the current season or the season following.

Talks with potential investors have failed, with many Millers fans complaining at the lack of news coming from the club. Former directors Dino Maccio and Alan Cartledge are the only ones to go public with their interest, but have only managed to have a public slanging match with the current board while their offer was rejected.