In his latest interview with the Official Website, Hereford United manager Graham Turner has expressed his disappointment with the lack of progress in submitting an application to the Herefordshire Council for the redevelopment of both the Blackfriar and Meadow Ends of Edgar Street.
Turner explained that much of what he hoped might be included in any application, such as a cinema, now was included in the Cattle Market area plans.
"It has been made plain to us that the Edgar Street Grid board would not support a cinema and I can see now why - they want it on the cattle market.
"So we have missed that opportunity.
"We talked to hotels. There was one particular group interested in doing the Meadow End, incorporating football facilities in a hotel. But unfortunately that same group look as though they have aligned themselves with one of the (cattle market) developers.
"You've got to say if you are a hotel owner - what would you rather do - a nice new site with plenty of shops and leisure facilities or incorporated with football facilities. If it comes to the choice they'll choose the cattle market site.
"We've had a number of knock-backs in the last ten days or so.
"My fear now is that the Richardsons, having worked hard to attract the right sort of people, might just sit back and decide to sit on it."
Turner went on to say that, whilst the stadium had no safety fears, the facilites for supporters were very poor.
"We are a bit ashamed of those."
Turner still beleives that the club is a great asset to Hereford and should be included in the cattle market plans.
"We don't want to be left isolated.
"I'm sure the Edgar Street Grid board don't want to see a decaying stadium right in the middle of a quality development so I'm sure that they will go out of their way to help us."
Turner noted that at present the plans for the cattle market appeared to contain more leisure than retail but then suggested that the talk of recession could have an impact on what might be built.
"There are areas we can still look at but we are going to need help."
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Next game: Darlington At Edgar Street On Saturday March 8th at 3.00pm