442 Magazine, which has included several articles recently with references to Hereford United, are looking for supporters to reveal if they have any strange football memorabilia hidden away somewhere.
Derek Hammond of 442 has sent this request to Bulls News:
I wonder if you might be able to help me out with my 'A Kind of Loving'
column in 442, which focuses on all the strange and wonderful things
football fans collect and save. It's named after a penguin book belonging to
his landlady in which garry parker practised his autograph when he was an
apprentice...We've had a Leicester full-back's red gas bills, fly-tipped in
a field and found by the fanzine editor; we've had kenny dalglish's chewy
wrappers left by the bench at a friendly in Norway 12 years ago; we've had
bits of old grounds, home-made memorabilia made at school, even clumps of
Anything a bit unpredictable, that's close to your heart, with a story
attached - that's all i'm after.
Have you got anything curious lurking at the back of a drawer somewhere?
It's one to ask your mates when you're down the pub, if you think of it.
Please get in touch with derekhammond@ntlworld.com if you can be of help.
Text at top (next game etc)
Next game: Rushall Away On Tuesday March 11th at 7.45pm