Sunday, March 12, 2006

Potential Points Table

Bulls News Potential Points Table as at Sunday March 12th:

Once again this season Bulls News will be printing this potential points table. The aim is to show how well a club could do and also as time goes on show how many points a club needs to ensure a play-off position.

At present Hereford United could finish with as many as 91 points and would need 82 to ensure a play-off place. But those figures will drop as more games are played.

It is now almost certain Accrington Stanley will top the Conference. Even if Hereford won all their last ten games, Accrington will still have to lose four of their games to be overtaken.

The form of the table will be as shown, ie Team - Games played - Potential points - Actual points.

Accrington 33 104/77
Hereford 32 91/61
Halifax 33 87/60
Morecambe 33 81/54
York 33 81/54
Grays 32 83/53
Stevenage 33 80/53
Exeter 32 80/50
Burton 33 74/47
Woking 31 78/45