Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tamworth Keeper Lost Eight Litres Of Blood

In an interview with the Tamworth Herald Lambs keeper Scott Bevan told the reporter that he had lost eight litres of blood during his injury, in which a kidney was shattered, and the subsequent operation.

Doctors had told the 6ft 6in keeper that he would have died if he hadn't been so fit after losing twice the amount of blood in the human body. He was released after a week in hospital, and has been told to rest for six months before considering to recommence his career.

But Bevan says he can't forgive Julian Alsop, the Forest Green striker who inflicted the damage: "I accept that Julian didn't want to inflict the damage his challenge has caused but I can't forgive him. I remember it was a high ball over the top and I came to the edge of the area to catch it. I didn't think he could come for the ball so I didn't lift my knee to protect myself. As I came down, I just felt him hit me. At first I thought I was just winded but then I knew something was seriously wrong."

"The three-hour journey home was the longest three hours of my life and I was ill several times. When I went to the toilet at home that night I was just passing blood so I went straight to the hospital. I don't think I realised how close I was to death. The most upsetting thing is that I have read that Julian said he was trying to contact me but I haven't heard anything from him. I don't know yet whether I will take the matter further but Tamworth FC have said they will support me."