Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Worcester News report of events at station

This report is from the Worcester News.

ANGRY football fans have hit out at West Mercia Police for using CS spray on crowds penned in at a city train station this weekend.

Spray was used by at least one officer when about 200 Hereford United supporters were taken off a train to change at Foregate Street after a local derby played against Kidderminster Harriers.

Platform gates had been locked to prevent crowds spilling on to Worcester's streets during their hour-wait for the connecting train. But police have defended their actions and branded some of those involved as hooligans.

A spokesman said the spray was used to prevent further disturbance and possible injury to bystanders, other commuters or the fans themselves.

"The behaviour of a small number of trouble-making fans was deplorable, and our prime concern was to ensure the safety of other rail travellers and members of the public, and to ensure that the problems created by these hooligans did not spread to other area," he added.

But supporters said the move was an overreaction. Fan John Baggott, aged 46, told the Worcester News he was surprised by the actions of the police.

"A few people were verbally abusing police but most people were just stuck there. All of our eyes were streaming and people were vomiting when the spray covered us.

"The worst thing was that it was mainly families of supporters and people who had nothing to do with the football and had just been shopping."

Hereford United's official forum site was full of messages from shocked and angry supporters.

One entry, entitled Foregate Street Fiasco, read: "CS spray was used with no proper warning and without any real need. They were using it like a water pistol."

About 20 officers were waiting at the station from West Mercia and the British Transport Police when the incident began. A spokeswoman for West Mercia Police said three complaints had been made.

"One of those complaints has now been resolved locally to the satisfaction of the complainant and no further action will be taken," she said.

"An investigation on the other two complaints is ongoing and it wouldn't be appropriate to comment further at this time."

No arrests were made at the station.