BBC Hereford and Worcester have broadcast the following report on events yesterday at Worcester Station:
The incident happened as Hereford United supporters were heading back to Hereford following yesterday's game. A journey that neccessitated a change of trains at Foregate Street station.
Acting Superintendant Steve Pooler confirmed to BBC Hereford and Worcester that there had been a incident on the platform.
"Whilst at the station a small minority of those supporters confronted police officers. There was a minor skermish and an officer did employ CS spray.
"No one was injured as a result of that incident."
Acting Superintendent Pooler stressed that this had only involved a handful of fans. He praised the vast majority of fans for their behaviour.
"I'd personally like to thank the well behaved supporters of Hereford for what they have contributed to the operation today which has made life good for everybody."
Police later confirmed that there had been no arrests at the incident.
Text at top (next game etc)
Next game: Rushall Away On Tuesday March 11th at 7.45pm